A daily median water level is calculated for each water-level gage used in the EDEN surface-water model. A program called Daily Median Server is run daily to create the MEDIAN.TXT file which is input to the EDEN surface-water model and the MEDIAN_REJECT.TXT file which identifies which gages had no daily data and were therefore not used in the model. Collectively, these two daily files are identified as the Daily Median Output Files on the EDENweb. The file name formats for these files are YYYYMMDD_median.txt and YYYYMMDD_median_reject.txt, respectively. These files are described in the metadata for the EDEN Water Surfaces Data. Knowing which gages are used in the creation of a day’s water-level surface is useful for users with specific confidence requirements or for identifying differences in daily surfaces. MEDIAN.TXT FILES: The median files contain a list of stations that were used to create the water surface for that day. The file contains the following information for each gage: Agency, Station name used by the model, UTM (Easting), UTM (Northing), Daily median Water Value (centimeters), Year, Month, Day, determination of Head or Tail Gage (Optional), Area of location The corresponding column headers are: Agency, Station, X, Y, Daily median water level (in cm), Year, Month, Day, Head_Tail, Area The files list one gage per line and the columns are tab-delimited. MEDIAN_REJECT.TXT FILES: The median_reject files contain a list of gages that did not have sufficient data to be used to create that day’s water-level surface. Gages are grouped alphabetically by operating agency. If this file is blank, all gages were used in the creation of the water surface that day.